As I grew older I quickly realized what was happening around me, people were throwing away their dreams to suit their new 9-5 jobs, giving up fun to suit their boss' demands..

To be honest that scared me enough to throw away my time and invest it into business.

It's either grind for 5 years and get a life of freedom or 5 years of fun for a life of suffering.

Boxing taught me discipline and that I must fight to survive and that it's up to myself to make my name matter.

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take.

I always knew working for someone else was not for me so I was determined to do whatever it took to not go that path.

My answer to people who asked me what I would do instead would always be "whatever it takes".

I studied art and design at my college and wanted to somehow put art and business together, so I found a way of making it all go under one roof.

I live by stoicism and learning how to become strong both mentally and physically. People in today's age forget that warrior within us, the desire to conquer and to win

When I first started my path down the business route I originally wanted to do it alone as all the people I used to know never shared my passion and interest to achieve success and freedom...

That was until I met Sladey and realized the real potential working with someone who shares the same goal and hunger for success

People still seek out quick pleasures and always sought out the easy way, I noticed everyone nowadays seems to avoid hard work.

I cut everyone off who didn't like the words 'hard work'

I joined a business learning site but quickly realized I had thrown away 4 precious months of my time learning about things that I would've just learnt by actually being in the field but the only good thing to come out of that was 50 odd pages of detailed handwritten notes and a deep understanding on business and phycology.

I noticed that no one in my niche of business was teaching others the true reality of the game and that all these methods being taught was just for views and followers just getting people to get want to find out the next "secret" when in reality these methods just make everything harder and their just taking advantage of people's naiveness since most beginners look towards big creators for their advice but sadly that's the mistake.

Sladey and I found easier and simpler methods which everyone else could of found if they actually tried to do things themselves and stayed consistent in their practice, I hope this offends people who relate because it seems EVERYONE is desperate for the quickest way to 10k a month for example when in reality if you want to build your business there's a lot of stuff you gotta do before during and after, it seems no one likes the process nowadays.

The man who enjoys working will go further than the man who enjoys the destination.

I had an idea to set up a discord and a name for what I wanted to represent in business, one of the names I came up with was Copycorp and then I decided to just stay with that but now Copycorp isn't just about copywriting hahaha.

As things progressed I quickly realized just how much stuff needed to be done to get to where I needed to go, and around this time I was trying to connect with people through Instagram, and that's where Sladey and I crossed paths and we instantly clicked.

Finally I found someone who had the same goals as me and wanted the same success and freedom as me.

When I think about the hundreds of thousands of people in the business space and the chances of Sladey and me crossing paths and how well we got along instantly I knew it was a sign, our desire to find solutions to every problem and solve every business mystery, in Copycorp we don't have a Scooby Doo we have Bartholemu the 3rd, Sladey's humble giraffe.

We believe strongly in equality and the community can back that up, it's truly the best feeling changing the lives of others for the better, we wont stop in our mission to help anyone who joins Copycorp that success is just around the corner no matter who you are, where you are from, whether you already have money or don't we will show YOU how to WIN.

Never beg for a seat at the table when you can build your own.

(I'll update this more and give more of a insight to how this all came to be a thing but for now I've got a legacy to build.)

- J