You must all think I look interesting enough to read my story or you want questions about the giraffe… either way you're here so let's begin.
So you’re probably wondering how I got into this position...
Well let me take you back to the year 2023 to a lovely town known as Southampton where a lost Sladey (hey thats me!) who had no direction in life, was cruising around in his ford fiesta on his way to the infamous “9-5”.
You may be curious what the 9-5 was, or you aren't… but let me tell you, I was a compressed air technician (I know right “what the hell is that?!?!?!”). To be honest with you it was a very interesting job, however I quickly realised that I wanted more from life and could not constantly be wishing for the “big break” whilst taking no action.
That's when something clicked within me, I grabbed my life by the reins, jumped in my car and rushed home. I must've reached 100mph on the motorway!!! (which was a lot for my trusty fiesta lol). As soon as I touched down at home, my feet slammed through the ground as I ran straight to my laptop in search of answers. I scoured the internet far and wide for hours, that was until I found something that would change my life forever… COPYWRITING!
I thought to myself “what is this copywriting?!”, “Is this too good to be true?!”, “I can work 4 hours a day from anywhere in the world?!”, “this must be a scam!”. I realised that this was a risk worth taking as this could be my golden ticket to escape the mediocre life I was living.
From that point on I engulfed myself into the world of copywriting. Every second of every minute of every day I was researching copy, I got so addicted to the point I would sneak off to the toilet at work to watch copywriting videos (although this started to worry my boss as I was spending so much time in the bathroom lol).
After honing the craft of copy I knew it was time to become a professional hustler. I outreached day and night for a month straight receiving no answer. I remember on this specific night I finished my last outreach and just threw my phone on the floor and went to bed thinking “what is the actual point?!” “this is a load of bullshit”. I woke up the next morning and something felt different… the sun was shining brighter than usual… the birds were chirping more loudly… That was until I released it wasn't the birds chirping, it was my phone buzzing. I leaped over my bed and grabbed it (I could barely keep it in my hands I was so excited lol). Calming myself down I was finally able to open my phone, and that's when I saw it… “yes let's work together” (if you couldn't tell, I got my first client ahhh!!)
From that point on I was getting client after client. I realised I didn't even need to try anymore, they just rolled in by themselves… It was plain sailing really (a’hoy jump on the Sladey express lol).
A few months had passed, I was now generating roughly 2k a month which was enough for me to march into work, look my boss in the eye and tell him “I quit”. Honestly I can't remember much of the day after that cause I did the only thing I know best when I accomplish a task… PARTY!!!! (Although I did wake up with a brand new BMW in my driveway so I may have partied a bit too hard haha).
Now I had my loving Ford Fiesta and a BMW on my hands I knew I had to say goodbye to one of them. So I chose to say goodbye to Fiona the Fiesta (lets us pay our respects for a second) .......... This marked the day I said good riddance to my old life and embraced the road ahead with open arms.
However this journey took an unlikely turn for the best when I moved over to Instagram and received a message like no other… It was from a guy called Jah. I saw something special in this guy that I could not see in all these other copywriters outreaching to me. He had that “wow” factor which is very rare in this day and age so I made sure I listened to what he had to say.
He pitched to me this idea of an ultimate agency that helps businesses in all these effective ways known as CopyCorp. Honestly the opportunities felt endless and I knew that this was my GOLDEN TICKET!! So from that point forward we both put our heads together to combine our skills in order to give to the people of the community.
Not even exaggerating, within our first month of being business partners we made a profit of 8K. Yes… in the grand scheme of things that is not much money, however that was the fastest we’ve ever made 8K in our lives! So we knew we were doing something truly great.
After a lot of trial and error we have finally perfected our craft and have developed a proven formula which is efficient in allowing entrepreneurs to grow their business and for copywriters to secure more clients. (we are just too good at this lol. I'm not being obnoxious I swear lol)
To this day, together we helped numerous clients generate more sales and coached individuals into becoming full time copywriters. Go check out the testimonial section to hear their side of the story 😀
Ok so you can stop screaming at me now!! I know you want me to stop yapping and inform you on my giraffe's whereabouts. I can assure you that Barthomelue is safe and sound, currently sipping margaritas in my garden. (or is he….)
- S